Jacobs Hall ranked #1 makersapce!

UC Berkeley was recently ranked number one in campus makerspaces by Great Value Colleges, with the Jacobs Institute receiving a special shout-out as the most impressive of the 5 on campus.
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“Across the University of California, Berkeley campus, there are currently five different maker spaces. The most impressive of these is the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation. This space, which exists in a building called Jacobs Hall, opened in 2015. It has 24,000 square feet of “flexible, light-filled design studios and wide-ranging equipment labs.” All students, faculty and staff can pay just $75 per semester for a standard pass that allows them to enter this center and engage with courses, clubs and personal projects in the building. Some of the most cutting edge spaces in this institute are the Metal Shop, Visualization Lab, CAD/CAM Lab, Design Lounge, Electronics Lab, AV Production Lab, and the Advanced Prototyping Lab. Some of the maker spaces, such as the B.makerspace and Cory Hall, are free. University of California, Berkeley is featured in Society for University and College Planning, American Society for Engineering Education and Herman Miller lists.”