Jacob’s Institute Design Field Notes Fall 2020 Lectures

09/14/2020 3:30 pm —
10/26/2020 5:00 pm
Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation invites you to participate in its course and lecture series, Design Field Notes, DES INV 95. Please join us in welcoming this dynamic group of artists, designers, and academics in design-related fields, as they share about their work and practice. Each talk will be facilitated through Zoom, and is open to all students and the public. A one-time registration is required to join the talks. Register and join the conversations here. Please register by Monday at noon to guarantee access to the talk.
Please continue to check back for the full semester’s schedule, but mark your calendars for the following Mondays, 3:30 – 5:00 PM PDT:
September 14: Karl Baumann, Filmmaker, Designer, and Researcher
September 21: Mark Holmes, Graphic Designer and Art Director at EA Sports
September 28: Nadia Gathers, Design Thinking Consultant
October 5: Danielle Applestone, Entrepreneur and CEO of Daughters of Rosie
October 26: Pierluigi Dalla Rosa, Creative Technologist and Prototyper at Apple
Please continue to check back for the full semester’s talk schedule.