We are Hiring! Join Our Creative Team At The Jacobs Institute

06/21/2022 12:00 am
The Jacobs Institute is currently hiring two new full-time staff leadership positions. For these roles, we are looking for passionate, highly motivated candidates, who are interested to develop something new, have strong collaborative and communication skills, and are excited by the opportunity to engage in our creative community to advance our programs and promote what we do at Jacobs Design Institute.
Position descriptions and links to apply can be found below. If you have questions, you may direct them to gkeathley@berkeley.edu; please note that applications can only be accepted through the official links provided below.
Senior Director of External Affairs
The Senior Director of External Affairs oversees all external relations for the Jacobs Institute including marketing & communications, corporate relations, international partnerships, public events and program development and coordination. This role will develop and implement strategies to reach our diverse audiences including prospective and current students, faculty, alumni, local community, government, corporate and
international partners, parents, as well as the general public.
This role is dedicated to telling and promoting the story of Jacobs Institute and reaching, serving, and engaging both the Berkeley community and broader public through programs, events, and partnerships. We are looking for candidates who will bring their unique voice and perspective to this role and work diligently to ensure that the Institute consistently puts its best face forward.
Apply to the position by using this website to search for position #36029.
Director of Academic Affairs
The Director of Academic Affairs plays an essential leadership role advancing the overall academic mission of the Jacobs Institute’s curricular and co-curricular programs, including the new Master of Design program. The position serves as the lead staff member and supervises the academic affairs team to oversee academic student services; admissions, and outreach/recruitment; finances; and academic administration for the academic curricular and co-curricular programs. The Director also serves as a liaison to other graduate professional programs within the College of Engineering and to the College of Environmental Design.
Apply to the position by visiting this website to search and searching for position #36063.