Student Cohort

Welcome MDes2024!


08/28/2023 10:00 am

The Berkeley Master of Design program is thrilled to announce the arrival of the much-anticipated MDes2024 cohort!

MDes2024 Factoids:

Largest Cohort Yet: Comprising 52 exceptionally talented students, the MDes2024 cohort stands as the largest in the program’s history. 

Unprecedented Competition: The admissions process for MDes2024 was our most competitve in the history of the program—and a testament to the exceptional talents of this MDes2024 cohort.

Diverse Disciplines: The MDes2024 cohort brings together a diverse blend of disciplinary backgrounds. With a roughly even split between design, technical, and mixed/other fields, this cohort ensures a rich mix of expertise and viewpoints.

Global Representation: Embracing the power of diversity, MDes2024 proudly hosts students from 10 different nationalities. This international representation fosters a vibrant cross-cultural exchange that enriches the overall learning experience.

Exceptional Achievements: Among the standout members of MDes2024 are 3 Arcus Social Justice Corps Fellows and 1 Mastercard Foundation Scholar. These individuals are poised to make impact through their innovative contributions to social justice and design.

Celebrating Gender Diversity: The MDes2024 cohort champions gender diversity with 68% women, 25% men, and 7% nonbinary individuals. 

Welcome MDes 2024! With your multitude of accomplishments and diverse range of backgrounds, your cohort promises to benefit from a truly dynamic environment that will undoubtedly foster innovative and impactful design solutions.  We can’t wait to see what you create!