Richard Hindle is a designer, innovator, and educator. He teaches courses in ecological technology, planting design, and site design studios. Professor Hindle’s research focuses on technology in the urban and regional landscape with an emphasis on material processes, innovation, and patents. His current research explores innovation in landscape related technologies across a range of scales, from large-scale mappings of riverine and coastal patents to detailed historical studies on the antecedents of vegetated architectural systems.
A recurring theme in Hindle’s work is the tandem history, and future, of technology, city and landscape. His writing and making explores environmental futurism as chronicled in patent documents and the potential of new technological narratives and material processes to reframe theory, practice, and the production of landscape. He is a published author with articles appearing in the Journal of the Patent Office Soceity (JPTOS), Journal of Landscape Architecture (JOLA), Journal of Architectural Education (JAE), Landscape Architecture Magazine (LAM), The Plann Journal, UC Berkeley’s Ground-Up Journal, and Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes. In 2012 he received a Graham Foundation Award for the reconstruction of the “Vegetation-Bearing Architectonic Structure and Systems” and continues to explore the technological origins of other emergent technologies. Richard has worked as a consultant and designer, specializing in the design of advanced horticultural and building systems, from green roofs and facades to large-scale urban landscapes.