
I’m Sora Kang, background in Digital Arts. I have been focused on developing interactive content mostly. I majored in Musical and Digital Arts each at the School of Performing Arts(Seoul) and Seoul Institute of the Arts. I have built quite diverse careers as a media artist, actress, and science communicator. I love all my jobs, and I enjoy exploring new things with new peoples.

Born and grew up in Korea, I have been interacting with disabled people for more than 8 years. I have a huge interest in social problems including environmental problems and discrimination. I would like to design the world so that people can, regardless of their disability or difficulty, fully enjoy their life and arts without any discrimination or discouragement. I dream of establishing an art school for disabled as well as non-disabled students ultimately.


What are you most looking forward to in the MDes program?

I am most looking forward to expanding both my artistic and technical capabilities and teaming up with the amazing cohorts. Let’s collaborate!