Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Ziyi Zhou. I graduated from ArtCenter College of Design with a major in Interaction Design and a minor in Designmatters Social Innovation. I have always loved the blend of technology, business and creativity.
As an Interaction Designer, I love the learning, the research, the digging into the process from start to finish. I understand the social issues that exist in our society and am driven to find solutions to the real problems that exist for users. Utilizing emerging technologies, I connect AR/VR, metaverse, UIUX and IoT to my designs. Combining 2D+3D, digital and physical, I value emphatic, user-centered thinking and want to craft a more inclusive future.
What are you most looking forward to in the MDes program?
I look forward to meeting more interesting souls and brains at MDes. I hope to work with you guys to make designs that can make the world a better place!