MDes Summer 2021 Workshops

We invite you to join your MDes Cohort in a series of workshops that introduces you to a few of the toolsets and mindsets that will prepare you for the start of your first semester in the MDes! Registration for each workshop is required so we have a sense of the number of participants and instructors can plan accordingly.

These workshops will be recorded, so the participants will be able to refer back or revisit the material. Please note that some workshop material, such as time that involves break out sessions or individual discussion, may not be recorded, at the discretion of the instructor.




Designing Our Lives
Rachel Dzombak

In this workshop series, you will leverage the design process to work on your most important project: your life. Through the workshops you will: observe and notice the values you hold and how they align with your career intentions; frame and reframe career staples like networking and informational interviewing into opportunities; imagine and design your personal narrative as well as visions for your life; make and experiment with your ideas to learn what works for you and devise action plans. The work done in these workshops aims to give you confidence in the skills needed for our present moment: immersion in ambiguous situations, imagining and conceptualizing alternative futures, and learning through experimentation and failure. It also serves to help you start this conversation amongst the MDes Cohort – life is something that is hard to design alone. It’s immensely helpful to have a language to talk about these big questions in community with others.

The workshop is virtual (via Zoom) will meet from 4.00 – 6.00 PM PDT on the following days. Registration required.

  • Monday, July 12
  • Wednesday, July 14
  • Thursday, July 15
DOL Zoom registration
Note: The registration link is set up for the first day of the workshop. Once you register, you will be added to the bCal appointment for the remaining two days of the workshop. 



An Introduction to Visual Scripting and Parametric Modeling
Matt Turlock

Grasshopper is a visual scripting and parametric modeling plugin for Rhino 3D, a digital modeling software. Parametric modeling is a variable and algorithm based tool for defining bounded problems and exploring the resulting solution space. Manipulate variables to create, transform, and output complex geometry for visualization, prototyping, analysis, fabrication, and more.

This workshop introduces the Grasshopper canvas as a parametric modeling environment, explores the underlying logic chains governing many parametric problems, and provides a broad overview of potential Grasshopper applications. A number of small design challenges and demonstrations will build an initial base for future parametric modeling. Resources for developing further fluency are proffered at the end of the workshop.

The workshop is virtual (via Zoom) will meet from 4.00 – 6.00 PM PDT on the following days. Registration required.

  • Monday, July 26
  • Wednesday, July 28
  • Thursday, July 29
MODEL Zoom registration
Note: The registration link is set up for the first day of the workshop. Once you register, you will be added to the bCal appointment for the remaining two days of the workshop. 



Code as Creative Material: Exploring New Media Software Tools
Kuan-Ju Wu

The workshop Code as Creative Material introduces a series of creative programming tools for visual exploration. During the 3-day workshop, participants will be introduced to expressive software tools such as Processing, P5, OpenFrameworks, VVVV, MaxMSP, and TouchDesigner.  Participants will learn how to set up the development environment for each tool and understand the basic operational syntax through a variety of examples. We will also look at a variety of projects created by the artists and technologists with each tool.

The workshop is virtual (via Zoom) will meet from 4.00 – 6.00 PM PDT on the following days. Registration required.

  • Monday, August 2
  • Wednesday, August 4
  • Monday, August 9
NMEDIA Zoom registration
Note: The registration link is set up for the first day of the workshop. Once you register, you will be added to the bCal appointment for the remaining two days of the workshop. 

Jacobs Institute Virtual Workshops & Tutorials 

The Jacobs Institute provides a number of recorded workshops previously taught by Jacobs Design Specialists that address topics such as: Fusion 360, Intro to Rhino, Generative Art Using Processing, Arduino Weekly Build.

We also offer a number of tutorials if you want to familiarize yourself with the processes and services provided at Jacobs Institute prior to the start of the semester.