I’m Akash, and my pursuit derives its meaning from 3 key missions – Creating, Empowering and Humanizing. I graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor’s degree in Production and Industrial Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. I’ve worked on a bunch of stuff in AI and robotics, ranging from a wall cleaning semi-autonomous robot to a self-driving electric car. The opportunity to work closely with the IIT-D Assistech Lab and interacting with school students while working on an EdTech startup helped me realize design thinking as the medium that connects technology and users. I love working on well-rounded and inclusive smart concepts that can be used for assistive roles.
I was born and raised in New Delhi and I love playing and watching sports, especially cricket. I am also an avid quizzer and have found a particular love for wildlife and Japanese cuisine.
What are you most looking forward to in the MDes program?
The highly diverse cohort of this program gives the opportunity to learn about cross-domain trends and realize visions as a team. Working closely on emerging technologies brings a unique dimension to the program which I ardently seek to experience.