MDes Student Cohort Fall 2022
Our second cohort of 37 students joined the program in Fall 2021 and graduated in Fall 2022. They are 72% female and 28% male. 49% of the class are international students and represent 8 different countries and locations from around the world – including Argentina, China, Hong Kong S.A.R., India, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan and Turkey. 21% of the class identify as underrepresented minority (URM) and the ethnic diversity among the US students is African American/Black (5%); American Indian (3%), Chinese/Chinese American (16%), Japanese/Japanese American (3%), Latin American/Latino (3%), Mexican/Mexican American (5%), Turkish (3%), and White/European descent (11%).
The backgrounds and experiences of the second cohort span many fields and practices from design, architecture and engineering to anthropology, cognitive science, art, physics, interdisciplinary studies, textiles, business and innovation.
Akash Mahajan
Benal Johnson
Bennett Ngan
Can Ge
Carolyn Nguyen
Celia Diaz
Chialing Chen
Debbie Yuen
Denise Heredia
Dongho Koo
Eleanor Mayes
Emily Joens
Felicia Renelus
Hannah Bartolomea
Haoyang Chen (Thomas)
Billy Kwok
Jacob Kritzinger
Jaesuk Huh
Jennifer Wong
Jessica (Jess) Kim
Kaila Lee Negrón
Lucila A Duloup (Lula)
Maya Chen
Ming Gong (Aria)
Qianyi Chen (Daisy)
Ramyani Roy
Roland Saekow
Salih Berk Dincer (Berk)
Sara Friend
Sora Kang
Tania O’Neill (Tee)
Taylor Speed
Yilin Niu (Evelyn)
Yiyao Yang (Amanda)
Yuting Wang (Kathy)
Zhipeng Pan (Rustin)
Zoe Ingram